For thousands of years, the remarkable art of crystal therapy has been harnessed to promote healing, balance, and overall well-being throughout the body. At Tejas Spa Jembawan and Tejas Spa Kamania, we invite you to experience the profound benefits of this ancient practice that effectively releases physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages.

During your session, our skilled therapists will carefully select crystals tailored to your intention and desired outcome. These crystals are strategically placed on different meridian and energy points of your body, initiating a profound holistic healing process. By clearing blockages in your energy centers, subtle bodies, and aura, crystal therapy facilitates a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Ready to embark on this soul-nurturing journey? Booking your crystal therapy session is just a click away. Choose from a 60-minute individual session at IDR 450,000++ per person or a 60-minute couples session at IDR 855,000++ per couple. Contact Tejas Spa Jembawan via WhatsApp at +62 811 3961 7766 or email us at [email protected]

For Tejas Spa Kamania, reach out to us at +62 812-7788-6838 via WhatsApp or email us at [email protected].